Part 5 As they strolled back to the car he would glance down at her in wonder. He was nervous yet excited at the same time. The thought of making passionate love to this lovely woman with her sexy leg in a cast played in his mind. When they got home, Michael was quick to come around the car and help her out. Sydney informed Michael that she was going to change into something comfortable. She smiled at him and she suggested he take a shower and make it a cold one. She looked down at his now normal crotch. He was the one turning red now. Michael was in the kitchen working on a late lunch or an early supper however one wanted to look at it. Nothing special. She was impressed anyway. He asked if she didn't want to sit on the couch and eat while resting her broken leg. She thought that was a good idea to put up her cast. With his help she put her casted leg on a huge pillow on the coffee table. "You know you're going to make someone a wonderful wife." She said joking. After they ate, Michael cleared the trays and dishes and piled a bunch of pillows on the floor and dropped down on them, leaving Sydney untouched on the couch. TV looked pretty good tonight and they settled in for an evening being entertained by it. Sydney stretched out on the couch and watched Michael in the pillows. They watched several shows like this. Between shows Sydney slided her cast off the coffee table and rested her broken leg on his lap. "Do you mind, scratching my toes?" She asked. "No, not at all, glad to be able to help." He answered smiling at her. He put his arm around her broken leg gently and rubbed her toes. He was going out of his way to make sure she was as comfortable as she could be with this long cast on. Before long Sydney was twisting and stretching her right leg and moaning softly. Michael could tell she was enjoying his rub. "Can I see how high your cast goes?" Michael asked. "No, it goes too high on my leg under my sweats. I would have to take them off" She answered. He put his hand on the elastic waist of her sweats. "Please, I just want to kiss it and make it all better. I won't look promise, I will close my eyes." He begged. "No. I'm not even wearing panties." She told him, placing her hand on his. She took her hand away and watched him as he eased her sweats down her cast. There seemed to be no end to this sexy cast. He ran his hand up her cast. He was amazed at how big and long it was. He laid her back down with him and caressed her sweet face in his hand. "Is the pain pill helping any?" He asked lovingly. "Not yet but it will soon." She answered, still obviously in pain. She was hurting and not in a sexy mood at all. This broken leg with its cast would be gone one day but the memory of standing snuggled against Michael at the lake would be there forever. The pain killer finally kicked in and she could once again settle down with Michael and enjoy the TV. Sydney was asleep before the show they were watching was over. Her broken leg rested across his penis as she moved over it. This was almost more than he could stand. Her broken leg was so hot. He held her and watched her cast. She slept for almost two hours. When she woke up, he picked her up and carried her to her bed. She kissed him softly on the cheek. He let her go, knowing she needed her rest worse than he needed her company. He loved being with this woman. The next day she called Marry and made a new appointment. She made the interview on her crutches. Marry was impressed with her dedication and the things she had written but there were other people involved in making the decision. Marry would call her and let her know. Marry called and gave Sydney the bad news. They had decided to go with an in house promotion. Marry assured her that she would keep her resume on file and if anything else came open Sydney would be the first one Marry called. Sydney hung up the phone. Michael had gone to the store and was just getting back as Sydney was hanging up. She tried to wipe her tears and hide the fact that she had been crying. "What's wrong Sydney, is your broken leg bothering you?" he asked. "Oh...nothing, it's just...oh Michael they gave the job to someone else," she said. "Oh no, Sydney, I'm so sorry. What are you going to do?" he asked. "I don't know. I guess I will go back home and stay at my job there," she replied. "Oh I don't think so young lady," he said. "Michael I have to go back. I don't have any way to live here," she told him. "Sydney I tell you what, I have to leave day after tomorrow. I will be gone for about two weeks, three at the outside. You stay here and rest your leg. I did a network earlier this year for a publisher here. I made a pretty good friend there, Maxime Wilson. Let me call her and see if she can do anything for you. Ok?" he rattled it off so fast she had to let it all sink in. "Let me think about it," she said. Sydney slept on the idea and decided a couple of weeks recuperating would do her good. Her job back home wasn't in jeopardy. Michael talked her into letting him take her resume and articles she had written to Maxime. Maxime said that she couldn't promise anything but she would see what she could do. Maxime was a mid- level executive there and carried some weight. Sydney saw Michael leave the next day. The trust he showed in her made her feel special. On Friday afternoon Maxime called and asked if Sydney could come in and talk with her Monday morning around nine o'clock. Sydney told her she most definitely could. Sydney was fit to be tied the whole weekend. Michael called on Saturday morning. He was ecstatic about the news; they talked for almost an hour while Sydney rested her cast, nothing serious, just simple small talk. She hated to hang up. Sydney was up early Monday getting ready; the butterflies were already swirling around in her stomach. She wanted a job near Michael so badly; she would do anything. She was at the magazine sitting outside Maxime's office at eight-thirty. She was holding her crutches so hard. Before she had been there five minutes a very distinguished looking lady in her late forties or early fifties entered the hallway and approached the office. "Hello there, you must be Sydney?" she asked. "Yes, and you're Ms. Wilson?" Sydney replied. "Yes, but its Maxime, please," she said insistently. "Come in; you're early. What happened to your leg?" She was staring at her long cast "Oh, I was in a car wreck" Sydney told her. "Oh I see, bad break?" Maxime smiled. "Yes, but it won't be a problem if you just give me a chance, I'm very mobile with my crutches and besides, it should be off in a few months," she said taking a seat in front of Maxime's desk. "Well, Sydney, that cast looks good on you. I have looked over your articles and I showed them to the senior editor and we feel like we would like to give you some freelance work if that would suit you," Maxime told her. "Suit me, suit me, it would absolutely floor me, I would love to freelance for you," Sydney couldn't hide her excitement. "Great! Sydney we are not a large publication so until you have satisfied us on several articles the pay will be low. At least three articles let's say. You prove you're worth it and we will give you more work and the pay will increase. How does that sound?" Maxime said. "You've made my day Ms. Wilson, Maxime. I can't wait. When can I start?" Sydney wasn't even trying to hide her excitement. "How about today if your broken leg doesn't hurt too much?" Maxime asked. "Today? Of course, what do you want me to do and don't worry about my cast?" Sydney asked. "We are sending a photographer to a hang gliding competition on the coast. It's about an hour's drive. She is leaving at one o'clock, can you be ready to go by then?" Maxime asked. "Oh yes, that sounds incredible. I would love that," Sydney answered. "Well, all of our writers are on other assignments so you get this one," Maxime told her. Maxime pressed a button on her intercom, called for Nancy and a ladies voice answered. "Yes." "Nancy, this is Maxime, I have a freelancer in my office could you come in for a second?" she asked. Nancy answered sure and the intercom went dead. I a couple of seconds a young girl, younger than Sydney, came into the office. "Nancy this is Sydney, Sydney, Nancy," Maxime introduced them. "Nancy we are sending Sydney with you today to cover your story. Sydney this story is basically a photo essay; you will just need to caption the photos. Write all you want but we will only take captions on this assignment. Do either of you need anything else?" Maxime asked in conclusion, handing Sydney a sheet of instructions for delivering her articles. Company policy and things like that. The two girls looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads no. Sydney grabbed her crutches and followed Nancy to her office. Nancy filled her in on the details of the photo shoot. She told her how best to dress but looking at her long cast she laughed and told Sydney to wear what will be comfortable with her broken leg. Sydney should meet her at one o'clock. Sydney headed home floating on cloud nine to get ready for the day. She needed to buy some clothes, some comfortable very wide pants and shoes. She grabbed a quick lunch and was waiting for Nancy at one. Nancy took her cruitches and put them in the back seat and they piled into the company car and headed to the coast. They talked most of the way. Nancy was a really sweet young lady and she was so curious about Sydney experience with the broken leg cast and crutches. They took to each other instantly. Nancy had broken her ankle about a year ago. There was something else going on here. The way she talked about her experience, the dates while in her cast. She was the third person to show real interest in her cast in the last 2 days... Part 6 to come