"Come on Stephanie," Mario yelled back. The two of them had been teaching at the same school and jogging almost every morning for years. Friends through high school and sharing 2 passions, teaching and cross country jogging. The one thing they didn't share was the reason why they both loved to run. You see for years Stephanie's been captivated to say the least with cast and crutches. Ever since she saw her mother in a long plaster cast for months and breaking her own ankle, she's been deeply wishing to experience a medical cast again. The sky was very dark and gray, it was raining and the trails were a huge muddy mess. Having a body that was a little more in shape than Stephanie's, Mario had been doing a little better on the run. Stephanie was by no means out of shape. Stephanie caught back up with Mario. Mario was struck by how sexy she looked right then. Covered in sweat and grime, she was easily the most beautiful teacher he was working with. She was married o was she divorce now? Nobody really knew, Stephanie kept her private life to herself and one very special friend. Better be best friends. "Well lets press on, I's getting dark and we have a long way to go," she said. running faster on the slippery trail Stephanie leading the came alongside a large cliff. Rain began to fall harder. Suddenly part of the bank that Stephanie was running on gave way, and she disappeared over the side. "Stephanie, are you ok?" Mario yelled! Running over to where the earth broke away, he saw Stephanie holding on to her left leg. Throwing his pack to the ground he lay over her. "Oh god Mario my leg. I thin k I broke my leg" "Shhh, it's ok, don't move Stephanie," he said. Gently wrapping his arms tighter around her and pulling her face to his chest and he gently stroked her hair. "Let me check your leg" "God what did I do? I'm sure it's broken" She said and for the first time she really realized what it met. Cast crutches and weeks of pleasure but now it was pain. He began to check on her leg. Blessing the first aid class he had been required to take was going to useful. He pulled out the first aid kit that he took everywhere with him, and set to work on her leg. Spreading out a blanket on the ground he told her that he was going to slightly run his hand all over her leg. Biting her lip she remembered so often fantasizing about that. Mario let out a small gasp as he touched her perfectly shaped legs. Forcing himself to take on a doctor's mindset, he forced such thoughts out of his mind and went to work. The leg was broken and so was her ankle and thankfully it was a clean break, no compound fracture. He was going to straight her leg before putting on a splint. "I'm sorry Stephanie but you are right your leg is broken and so is your ankle. I will have to realign the bone before I can splint your leg" "OK let's do it now" She said scared and excited at the same time Mario grabbed Stephanie's broken ankle and she jumped from the pain but he had no choice. He started to pull on her injured leg harder. "Oh Please Mario Stop, I can't do this, My leg is so sore" "We have to do this if we want to be able to transport you, one more minute" Mario said while giving her broken leg one last strong pull and they both heard the bones snapped into places. He gently stroked her cheek With so much pain Stephanie moaned while trying to accept that the worst was done but the pain was just so bad. "Are you OK?" He asked her "Yes, yes I think I will be fine but you need to splint my leg and ankle for the night. We wont be able to go back to the city tonight, it's getting way too dark" Mario found 2 branches and with the Ace bandage that he always carry in his back pack he was going to be able to create a splint for her broken leg. He put the branch on each side of her and slowly wrapped her broken ankle and up her leg with the bandages. While he was doing this, he was once again struck by her beauty. Even injured she was so sexy First thing he did was to build a fire and sat Stephanie down next to it so she could stay warm. Stephanie reached down towards her broken leg, but before she could Mario brushed her hand away from it telling her not to touch it as it is still very tender. Allowing her to fall against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and they sat there for many minutes just staring at the fire. It was Mario who broke the silence first by saying that he thought that they would be at the hospital first thing in the morning. He was worried that her leg was bothering her. "Oh Mario, I'm so sorry. Me and my stupid clumsiness. Now can you even imagine teaching while wearing a cast and using crutches?" She said hiding the joy and pleasure she was feeling right now. "Stephanie you'll be fine and to be honest it will be nice to see both of your sexy legs exposed. You are so beautiful cast or no cast" As he said this he lifted her face up and dropped a soft, light kiss on her lips. The shock on both of their faces was evident. Neither of them had ever shown any of their feelings towards the other for fear of what would happen to their friendship, but now they locked themselves in a passionate embrace and all of their feelings for each other were released in a storm of passionate kissing and petting. As they came up for a breath, Mario looked Stephanie in the eyes and whispered how he had wanted this for so long, but did she really, truly feel the same. Lacking the words to describe to him how she felt she reached up to caress his face and they resumed their kissing once more. Part 2 to come